there will be an area to the right of your auction page where you can request a refund they make you wait for a bit but your bids will be protected on here by that :)
click on the auction you won and you should see in small writing simething like "things not going well? request a refund in ---days or hours" and just request a refund because the seller did not respond. hope that helps.
Just trying to help... you have a few unanswered questions here. Since you are a "0" (brand new) no one will bid unless you assure them you are a responsible seller with communication. I have a question too - would you consider doing free shipping? I'm interested in bidding but at this moment I'm credit rich and cash poor:) Can't hurt to ask!
Flat rate boxes to fit work for me. It has shipping insurance plus tracking for a flat rate. Just go to the post office and get the size that fit. Tape it up and give it back...u got a # proof u shipped it plus insurance just in case...........ladytuck:)