The one in the picture is just for demonstrating the one you will get is brand new in original package and it has a red stone look at my feedback on other tongue rings i have auctioned on here as always all listia rules apply!!! ~*Listia Rules Apply. As do my rules.
**~MY RULES~**:
I’ve met some LOVELY people on here. And a jerk or 2. So for those, I’ve created a list of rules for you:
*Don’t ask me to shorten the days. No, is the answer.
*IF this auction requires shipping, don’t ask me to change it. Again, no is the answer.
^^This is now a solid rule. I will no longer negotiate an alternative. Way too many Dispute Happy folks are why.
*There are NO refunds on fairly done auctions.
*Please don’t ask me to lower the GIN if there is one.
*Misunderstandings can be worked out. I'm really easy to work with.
*Kind, does not mean stupid.
*I will NOT tolerate rude, aggressive, or otherwise mean, comments or messages. We’re all here to have a good time. No Negative Nancy’s!!!
~*Happy Bidding!! To all of the wonderful people!*~ And thank you for stopping by!
*****Please Note: I will consider and/or accept any reasonable GIN, if no bids have been placed******
*~*~*To my fellow Listians*~*~* I’ve had requests to copy my rules, PLEASE DO!! Yes you may! THIS IS A 3 DAY AUCTION SO LETS BID!!!