ethernet peiece sound piece and memory chips like i said i dont know anything about computers the ethernet and sound are to the back part of computer i think it is called a card
You know if you get a bid on this site and you want to sell it on a different site before this ends, you will me obligated to sell it to the high bidder here, right?
yes i know that is why this site is top priority to me .craiglist is a second way for me to get rid of stuff its like a back up . and i always cheack to see if item has a bid cause if someone is interested on craigslist they call me and i check right there while on phone if item has a bid then craigslist person is out of luck cause in my book item is sold . so they wont get it if there is no bid on it and they want it it is taken off here and sold to person from craigslist . this is how i get rid of stuff faster but listias is top priority to me not craigslist
Listen everybody putting it on craigslist does not mean it bad busnes it just my back up to get rid of stuff faster like i said listia is top priority to me .people who want a item that is listed on craiglist call me by phone and are local. if item has a bid on it they dont get it .if you dont like the way i do busness dont bid .having the items on craiglist helps me get rid of stuff faster . but like i said listia is top priority to me not craigslist . item only gets pulled from listia if there are no bids on it .98% of time item is sold on listia not craigslist
ii put on craigslist as back up this site comes first craigslist is a second option for me cause it is local area . and if stuff get bids on it on here cause . this site is top priority .. it is imediatly pulled right from craigslist . i use this site as top priority . cause i get credits and use them to get games for my neces and nephews . 98 % of time it is pulled right from craigslist cause i get at least a bid on items . this option makes it easier for me to get rid of items that i dont need or items kids no longer use .THIS SITE IS TOP PRORITY TO ME CRAIGSLIST IS BACK UP IF I GET A BID ON SOMETHING THE PRODUCT IS PULLED FROM CRAIGSLIST
That is why once item is bidde on it is pulled from craigslist . if someone is interested on craigslist they call me . and i check this site imediately if there is no bids on item i pull from here and sell thru craigslist like i said it is a easier and faster way to get rid of items when i put on both . but i m,ake sure ther is no bids on it and i let people know its on craigslist to . but like i said 98% of time it is thru this site that item is sold thru not craigslist .