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Small flat rate box packed with goodies! Can be anything from makeup to shower gel to candles and hair things! I will do free shipping if u choose the get it now option. I will give hints along the way of what's in there - starting with a full size marykay eyeshadow!
Well I've seen other people do that - but apparently I'm not smart enough, or my phone won't let me lol. Anyways - the next item is heart-shaped bath fizzies.
Just so you know.. The medium flat rate box from USPS only cost's $4.80 to send :) So $6 is a lot more than the bidder should have to pay for a small flat rate box. Just trying to help.. Please don't take this as a rude comment :) I know there are a lot of people on Listia who have nothing better to do than be rude.. I am not one of them.. Just trying to help as stated above :D
I do appreciate it and I knew they were, but they went up. Last time I was at the post office (to get the box) it said it was $5.20. Plus paypal takes a fee so I have to round up to account for that. I will be happy to refund anything left over. Its just the 1st time I've don't one of these so I wasn't sure how much paypal would take. I really just wanna have fun on here and would be happy to pay for the shipping if I could afford it, but I just can't right now and I'm sorry.
Also, I tried to put exact amount instead of flatrate but my phone flipped out on me and wouldn't let me type anything in there and I appologise. I really am an honest person and not trying to rip anyone off.
I didn't mean it as though you are trying to rip anyone off or anything. I'm just saying people on here know how much the boxes cost cause they buy them themselves :) Charging for shipping is totally fine :) A lot of people can't afford to ship everything for free. Heck, I'm only able to because my husband ships it free through his work. & chic_40_2001.. I never said it was too high.. I was just explaining that most people know that it doesn't cost that much. She explained why it was $6. Now me & everyone here can see why it's $6.. $5.20 for the box $.80 for paypal fees. I also never said anything about her changing it to free or asking for free shipping. SHEESH!! See what happens when people try to help?? Maybe she didn't read my comment thoroughly??
I think things tend to get blown outta proportion on here and I understood what u meant. This is nothing compared to the chic accusing me of stealing scentsy bars and putting it on here lol.
I bid for you sweety I don't care about the shipping if thats what you need then thats what you need. People are getting very spoiled about free shipping and now the rates have cone up so your just fine.
Thanks I sure appreciate it! I don't have a lot of money but I wanna have fun on here and it just seems that people only bid on the free shipping ones. I try to do that when I have the money but I have a baby and bills and I just can't do it right now. Thanks again! Check out my other auctions if you'd like - some r free lol
It seemed like you were talking about me since I was the only one who had mentioned anything about the shipping. Sorry for taking what you said the wrong way :) TRUCE :D gonna give you some bids here kotton_kandies :D
I was just to to "defend" myself I guess. I was trying to point fingers or be angry with anyone and I'm sorry if u took it that way. If has been a very rough week.
DONT WORRY BE HAPPY "*_*" SOUNDS LIKE EVERYONE OF YOU ALL ARE VERY NICE. A couple just took something the wrong way but all of you Really do sound like Nice and Helpful Ladies. There are So Many People that would have Really Got Rotten over all that but you all worked it out like Grown and Very Intellagent Women!! You all Are Awsome I Love this Site and it ones like you all that just keep us on our toes and Keep our hearts pumping that blood, Sometimes a little fast LOL but its All Good in the Listia Hood. LeeLee812 you all should eat one their Good. LOL Just a Joke I am a Jokester you have to over look me at times