The listing, ***TIERED DVD AUCTION PLUS BONUS DVDS*** has ended.
Let's get this party started!! If bids hit any multiple of 8,000 I will also ADD ANOTHER BONUS DVD, winner's choice!
Here's how it'll work, if you bid:
4999 - 6000 = 3 DVDs
6001 - 8000 = 4 DVDs
8001 - 10000 = 5 DVDs
10001 - 12000 = 6 DVDs
12001 - 14000 = 7 DVDs
14001 - 16000 = 8 DVDs
16001 - 17000 = 9 DVDs
17001 - 18500 = 10 DVDs
18501 - 20350 = 11 DVDs
20351 - 22200 = 12 DVDs
22201 - 27000 = 15 DVDs
27001 - 35000 = 20 DVDs
35001 and up = all DVDs
All DVD's are in great shape and play flawlessly.
Make sure you read the list of titles available below before you bid, as the pictures reflect all of the DVDs from the first auction I had. I keep re-listing the remaining DVDs and will do so until they are all gone.
Choose from the following DVDs:
**13 Going on 30
A Scanner Darkly
Cabin Fever
Catch Me if You Can
**Clerks 2
Down with Love (2 copies available)
In Her Shoes
Inventing the Abbots
King Kong
Little Miss Sunshine
National Geographic Lord Of The Rings Beyond the Movie (BNIP)
*Ocean's Twelve
Pan's Labyrinth
**Spy Game
*The Aviator
The Heartbreak Kid
The Illusionist
*The Master of Disguise
The Rocker
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
Under the Tuscan Sun
**Uptown Girls (2 copies available)
War of the Worlds
* means there is no artwork included in the DVD case
** means special edition
******ALL AUCTIONS FINAL**********
Listia verified address only!!
Winner has 48 hours to choose their DVD titles otherwise I will choose for them.