Riddick covers a span of more than 30 levels, split into checkpoints. During the game you travel from the outer Maximum Security Prison into the Double Max and then the Triple Max prison cells, including a Cryogenic cell. But there are surprises (and you should skip the next paragraph if you don't want spoilers), including a sometimes frustrating, complex and ultimately challenging mine sector. And a killer alien section that, after the long hours of going purely stealth in the mines, equips you with a hefty shotgun, and lets you loose to ruthlessly slaughter the freaky critters hidden in the depths.
What I especially like about Riddick is its myriad parts and its smart, evolutionary structure. The first level really introduces you to prison life and your character's abilities. When you first arrive you literally have nothing, so the first part of the game opens up the prison culture, its trade system, and the ins and outs of empowering yourself. You learn the RPG elements of speaking with inmates, accepting missions from them, gaining information and eventually acquiring small hand weapons. The first part of the game feels like an adventure with RPG elements, and it's handled well.
You're quickly introduced to the fighting system. Since the guards' weapons are controlled by a DNA-encoded system, picking one up sizzles your nervous system. So you have to work with what you've got. To earn respect and gain information, you fight the top inmates and guards in first-person, hand-to-hand fights. The combat system is simple and easy to learn, but it's deeper than you might expect. Left trigger is block, right trigger is punch, and combos, which become your best friend, are executed by pressing right on the thumbstick and right trigger simultaneously, or left D-Pad while hitting the right thumbstick. Picking up brass knuckles, shivs, and clubs increases your skill in a fight. By beginning with nothing