Free: Inca Ware Rose Colored Oriental Design Plate - Antiques - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Inca Ware Rose Colored Oriental Design Plate

Inca Ware Rose Colored Oriental Design Plate
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The listing, Inca Ware Rose Colored Oriental Design Plate has ended.

The winner of this auction is responsible for the shipping fee. Please consider this when bidding. Serious bidders welcome. Please see my other auctions. Happy Bidding.

Inca Ware Rose Colored, 6 1/4" Oriental Design Plate. The back is stamped Inca Ware, Shenango China, New Castle PA USA Pat #2,178.274, 3 circles with themselves a word across them. This is a pretty piece with lots of little details throughout the plate.
All Listia rules apply. I will ship to a Listia verified address only.
This package weighs 12 oz.and measures 9 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 1 1/2" If you want an idea how much shipping fees will be go to the USPS website put in your address and my location with the weight and size of the box and it will give you a price.
Questions & Comments
Well you wont believe me but iswear its true, i have 6 of these 2x dinner 4x salad (6" round) plates same colors all hang on wall two rows of three on each side of flat tv on rite side last nite i went to step over the dog he moved n i swiped the lower 6: salad plate and it was in thousand shards im seeing the missing side all day just so bummed out trying figure out what ill do there now,all nite n allday,agonized loss a plate!!! lolol swear as god my savior if i dont get this plate im going loose all my badges !! lol bid against me in fear !! lol ! i cant believe you listed my plate! ahhhh! lol
Nov 6th, 2013 at 4:07:58 PM PST by
Well it is your lucky day. I only have the one. I have listed it 2 times already but the people never gave their information. So many auctions seem to go that way now.
Nov 7th, 2013 at 3:12:26 PM PST by
It is a real pretty color. I just have run out of room for all my stuff. I am keeping the stuff that my kids or grand-kids made and that is starting t take up the cabinets. lol
Nov 7th, 2013 at 3:13:59 PM PST by
im just thrilled to have found it.let me know how you ship and if you accept ppal.i like usps flatrate envelope or box is usually best price.if you can do that ill be so grateful to have it. im thinning out myself and it feels great.thank gosh they pickup.its made it funn and easy. lol im watching ,wish me luck.
Nov 7th, 2013 at 3:51:11 PM PST by
I do except PayPal and it will be much cheaper to ship this first class mail as it is only 12oz. See the auction description and it will give you dimensions of package. You can put in your info and get a price estimate.
Nov 7th, 2013 at 10:38:03 PM PST by
No problem-thats why i asked-im thrilled your on your game my dear!! ill trust it to you and ill do my job and win the rascal ! lol
your lovely and i cant wait to get it on my wall-good lord willing!
thank you so much, =o) btw-im lloyd
its a pleasure to auction with you!
Nov 8th, 2013 at 2:26:44 AM PST by
Thank you, I try.
Nov 8th, 2013 at 10:57:16 AM PST by
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Beautiful Plate, it reminds me of a plate my mother had on the wall if our kitchen. She recently passed of cancer and I would love to put this on my kitchen wall in her memory. i have fanned you. Please fan me back. It looks like this could be a bidding war.
Nov 14th, 2013 at 9:44:02 AM PST by
Not in my opinion-theres another one listed.i also found a inexpensive version at marshalls/no tuesday mornings i now its just who wins not a bidding war sorry.and sorry to hear about your mom.thats nice to remember her this way.
cheers to all.happy bidding.
Nov 14th, 2013 at 9:54:30 AM PST by
Now if you would list that adorable doggie id say war! lol too cute.!! ty again,
Nov 14th, 2013 at 9:56:34 AM PST by

Inca Ware Rose Colored Oriental Design Plate is in the Antiques category