It is actual replica leather for a kid not foam. I love wrestling belts and bought it for myself and had hanging on my wall. I have no kids. I will find out how much to ship to canada and get back with you.
So it's an actual leather and metal belt!? Is this for real? I find it a bit hard to believe that something like this is on Listia. But hey as long as it will be mailed to the winner then ok!
The belt is not real gold but kid replica. It is leather-like material but not foam. It has 2 small holes in it because it was on my wall. I dont have other pics available because didnt take with camera. Only sending to verified address on listia.
Ok I can do that if I win. Could you take a picture of the holes in the belt?? I honestly hope they are not big! That would ruin the belt. Are the holes in the metal too or just in the leather part?? Thanks sorry for all the questions but there are no real pics up so we need to ask these.
The holes are really small in leather not in the metal. I cannot upload pics to the auction with it ending soon. Unable to make any changes. So will have to email me and I can forward you add'l pics. Thanks. Happy bidding everyone.
I may put up another which is Wwe spinner belt that plays the vrious artist theme songs and lights up. I will see how this one goes first. It is also leather like material as well. So check back with me to see. This is my first aiction. If i post that one maybe you may have a chance at that one.