In order to have better results with this auction, please add more details regarding your item. Your auction is missing a description or picture. These two things will go a long way in instilling confidence in potential bidders. We also highly recommend that you include pictures of the actual item that is being auctioned, (not just use stock photos from the manufacturer). For higher valued items, please include a notecard or piece of paper with your Listia username in one of the pictures of the actual item. This will also reduce the number of questions that your bidders will ask, and most importantly, you`ll get the best results with your auction.
Thanks for making these changes and good luck with your auction!
Nov 7th, 2013 at 11:29:09 PM PST by
interested but need to see a picture, if you don't mind. thank you.
NICE listing!! I've added you to the fan/bid/watch lists. Any chance of more pics?? all sides and bottoms? thanx
Hoping you get verified ;D... Just a friendly fyi...It really helps people know you're working towards a good seller status if you verify some of your info in addition to FB & t --your address and phone # and a cc/bank account is really easy and SAFE--these are done electronically and NO info is stored and NO one can see them! Be aware --alot of Listian's won't bid or ship to anyone with a non verified address or info :/
WELCOME to Listia!! Don't hesitate to ask questions if you need anything!--it's a great community of friendly & helpful people! ~G ;D
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btw, welcome to Lista..its a blast here but its addicting as I have met the nicest people on here and lots help you out to get started!! Good luck!
Thanks and i know i cant wait i have won over 15 auctions and havent recieved any products yet .... Hope i get them soon ! Ill check out your auctions too !