The listing, When to Speak UP and When to Shut Up, Book, biblical examples has ended.
Paper back, read once, very nice condition.
Almost everyone has found themselves in a situation where they don't know if they should bite their tongue or speak their mind. When is silence golden and when is it better to speak up? When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up offers practical guidelines for people who want to improve their communication skills. It will help readers explore the cost and purpose of silence, how to ask good questions, how to overcome pressure to remain silent, and more. Using biblical and contemporary examples, this book shares important strategies for discerning God's direction, acting on his word, and building better communication within your workplace, church, and home.
When is silence golden? When is it more important to speak from your heart? Your friend is about to make a disastrous decision. You see problems in your son or daughter's marriage. At work you see a better approach than the one your supervisor suggests. Should you speak up? Or should you keep the peace by staying quiet? When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up offers practical guidelines for conversations you won't regret. It will help you explore -the cost and purpose of silence -why to check motives when talking to friends, family and authorities -how to ask good questions -ways to deal with anger and resentment -how to overcome pressure to remain silent Using biblical and contemporary examples, this book shares important strategies for building better communication within your workplace, church and home. "If you've ever wondered when you should bite your tongue and when you should speak your mind, this book is for you. I have personally benefited from Dr. Sedler's advice and know that you will, too. Read this wise book and skillfully navigate your important conversations."--Dr. Les Parrott III