Sorry it took so long for me to reply to you.but here is more information about this beautiful vine. Watering
Passion vines require a lot of water, especially when their flowers are producing fruit. Too little water can cause these flowers to shrivel and fall from the vine before they are ready to be eaten, so try and water the passion vine daily.
As passion vines will begin to grow out of control, especially if they are well-cared for and are in a warmer, temperate environment, you will have to prune them regularly. In warmer weather climates, passion vines should be pruned as soon as their fruits are picked, so that they will have time to recover before it gets cold outside. Remove all of the dead parts of the vine and cut back the newly grown parts of the vine by at least one third, if not more.
Allow for Foliage
In very hot environments, allow your passion vine to grow some foliage around the outside, making it larger and slightly more unruly, but protecting it from sunburn. When it becomes cooler, prune all of this back. Where to Plant
Passion vines prefer areas which receive full sun for most of the day, but aren't particularly hot. If you live in a place where the sun is really hot during the spring and summer months, plant passion vines somewhere with partial shade. This is so that they are covered for a portion of the day. This could be somewhere nearby a tree or an awning. Make sure you plant the vine near a fence or trellis, as it can be relatively rampant if it is allowed to grow properly