It was a couple of years ago. I just have so many watches I bought it more for the foundation and no it doesn't have an avon mark on the back. I don';t remember any of the avon items I bought ever having an avon symbol accept makeup.
Thank you for your response to my concerns! I so appreciate Listian's such as yourself! It is a sweet watch, and I could enjoy wearing it for sure! I don't recall now if you said it needs a battery or works! Silly me! As for Avon, it is all stamped; all jewelry, clothing and of course, personal and personal care products. It's possible this is just one of those pieces that isn't!
Funny!!! I had to go look at my shirt, purse and a couple other items, and the shirt and purse were the only ones with Avons tag! I act like I'm bored with nothing else to do!!! I'm odd!!! Thank you for putting up with me! I will pray for you and hope your journey through the cancer is successful. I am genuinely sincere; I lost my husband 4 years ago to acute myeloid leukemia.
My daughter in law is a cancer survivor . She is only 40. A school teacher,mother of twins and the best daughter in law on earth ! Could you get a clearer pic of the face of the watch PLEASE>>?? I got to get past some auctions I'm already in but I will be back ! Thank you!