Free: 30 MTG Cards Random - RANDOM or PICK YOUR COLOR +bonus cards - Magic The Gathering - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 30 MTG Cards Random - RANDOM or PICK YOUR COLOR +bonus cards - Magic The Gathering

30 MTG Cards Random - RANDOM or PICK YOUR COLOR +bonus cards - Magic The Gathering
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The listing, 30 MTG Cards Random - RANDOM or PICK YOUR COLOR +bonus cards - Magic The Gathering has ended.

30 random Magic The Gathering - MTG cards of the same color (RANDOM or PICK YOUR COLOR). These cards are used, in good condition, from 3rd Edition - Dragon's Maze. Most cards will be commons, with some uncommons.
For every 500 Credits I will add 5 cards.
500 credits=35 cards 1000 credits=40 cards etc...

*****IF there are particular common cards, colors or combos of colors for THIS Random/Pick Your Color auction, please message me after you've won, and I will do my best to fulfill your requests (NO GUARANTEES)! *****

**Do NOT bid if you are not in the U.S. as I can not ship outside of U.S. and guarantee delivery**
Questions & Comments
black and white?
Nov 25th, 2013 at 1:53:33 AM PST by

30 MTG Cards Random - RANDOM or PICK YOUR COLOR +bonus cards - Magic The Gathering is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category