Hello. Do you happen to know of this is an early wii model (the one that has GC backward-compatible support) or a later model (little to no GC support)? Thanks. Good luck on your auction~!
tell ya what, ZorPrime...I have lost SO many items to being outbid in more credits than I'd be willing to use on them, but I am ALL IN on this one...all my chips are on the table, so to speak...
so far, so good, but I KNOW there is someone with MORE credits than I bid on this...why don't they just bid? I want to win, but I am hoping to remain high bidder...keepin' it real...
I'm watching BIGTIME...my parents want one of these, and Christmas would do just fine IF I win...will know by the end...accruing as many credits as I can before the end...one like this is just what they inquired about...