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The listing, Home Security Camera (PLEASE READ NOTES) has ended.
Ge wireless security camera... please note: (not sure if it works... it may just need a battery)
Questions & Comments
an April 17-11 I lost my mom to a druggie in a car wreck he came over on her side an next thing I knew she is gone home to be with God an then July 22 -11 I lost my sister to stomach cancer so now hon mayb u understand more is why I turned my life over to God again sorry for the miss understanding an the miss spelling God Bless.
Ppl from all over the world dont know ge :) i am lucky that i know but i came here in states 1999. and lots of ppl came here from other part of world .. see sir that is not funny at all :(
GE ranked ninth among United States corporations in the value of wartime ... In All States since 1964, GE Is all over the world since 1964 so other part of the world I like to know where. I still love this auction And will Bid High to the End But Still love looking at the questions also to Funny.
an rose I am bidding her I did not mean to have an attuide but gary keeps adding to what ever any one says I just ask if u could try it ok sorry u felt like u had to hide my comment I have been though H*** since Thursday morning my dad had a bad car wreck an he is @ UK medical Center here in Kentucky he has all broken ribs an lower broken back an is on life support so my nerves are shot an I have one of them neighbors that u cant trust an have to be gone a lot he has a long road ahead if he even makes it I don't lie it try to be nice to people an I also have a great record on listia I just cant list things right now u can check my profile out I pray for people who has to be like they are God Bless u an yours hope u don't feel u have to delete this one but if u do nothing I can do about it sorry.
Sweetheart I do not hide any of the comments that come on my page... I do infact hide advertisements... I reply to all comments and try to be as nice and humble as I can be... Sometime ppl say some crazy stuff or some ppl may call it DUMB questions... But it may be a dumb question to the person reading it but to the person asking the question it's not dumb... It's a question they want answered... So I try to not judge a person!! God Bless you Saundra and I pray your dad recovers!!!
this is to garysonthego I have sent money an money orders an not got my stuff an I have won free shipping stuff an never received it I don't lie an have been burned on Listia an gary u may win an may not I was talking to sweetrose145 but ty for your input I just ask why didn't she try putting batterys in an see if it worked she made the statement that it may just need batterys tks .
As far as why I just don't try putting a battery in the system to test it... It doesn't take just regular batteries, It has a special battery, and like the post says... IT MAY NOT BE THE BATTERY... So like Gary says, BID AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Gary Thanks for supporting me on this site!!! God Bless all, and GOOD LUCK TO THE WINNER OF THIS SYSTEM!! I didn't know it would get this much attention!!!
I need to ask saundracross a Question Please how can you Get Burned on Lisita? And with this Auction? # 1 The Shipping is Free # 2 what ever you bid on this item your bids are protected The Seller is Stating Ge wireless security camera... please note: (not sure if it works... it may just need a battery So it might work or it might Not So the Only way you could Get Burned is doing it yourself It would not be the sellers Fault if you got this and it did not work It is Take a Chance if i get it and it does not work i will fix it No Problems. But you dont Get Burned when the seller tells the truth about a Item It works maybe Not That all she is stating Look at her feedback it is 4 but 100% Not 99% 100% I think that would tell you she is doing a Great Job on Listia.
Aaaah... Thank you Gary for noting that... I try to be honest with the things I list and hope that when I see an item that I like on here and bid on it that the seller is just as honest... Thank you so much for your support!!!
sweetrose145 Oh my God :) Still to Funny Well I have 1 day 15 hours Left Power cord Batterys does not Matter the only thing that Matters is I win this :) lol
Sweetrose145 u made the comment that don't know if it works can u not try it out some how I am in need of one of these an have the credits to run bid up but would love to know if it works please very interested thanks great auction ? ????
Saundra, I understand why you are skeptical on bidding, But as I stated in my post (NOT SURE IF IT STILL WORKS) I'm not trying to scam anyone out of their credits. It's up to the bidder if they want to take the chance on the item listed... I have had the camera for a few years now and it has just been sitting in the attic... So bid at your own risk!! Thanks for your question... Happy Bidding!!
i know some people dont know alot about these but i now have 15 camersas as of today and just because it is wireless dose not mean that it dose not take a power cord it means that the signal from the transmitter to the reciver is wireless yes some do take batteries so that it can be mounted in locatins that you dont have an outlet but these days most come with both a power cord and battery if this helps anyone
I still lol at these questions to funny if it is wireless then I would think Both Parts need Batterys WOW jadrankamikulic Said in another comment Ppl from all over the world dont know tHIS. THIS is Wireless How is it to work if they Both dont take Batterys.
ok 6 days 12 hours to go :) I have won alot these days on Lisita There are people that bid me up because i win alot but it is ok if i want it i get it No matter what credits it takes to do the Job to Win :) P/s Yes Want this So you know what that Means Bidding Wars Soon to come :)