Whoever wins will get to pick 3 cards from the last page: ) including the 55 random cards !! and the 3 Xyz cards : )And Every 1000 Credits its 25random cards plus 1 Xyz card And 1 more free pick from the last page
i'll let you pick 5 including the 50 random cards and the 3 Xyz Cards If it gets to 4500 credits ^^ !!!Every 1000 Credits i'll throw in 25 Random Cards And 1Xyz Card!!!
If it gets to 10,000 credits i'll let you pick 10 from the last page including 55 random cards along with the 4 Xyz cards !!!Every 1000 Credits i'll throw in 25 Random Cards And 1Xyz Card!!!
Every 1000 Credits i'll throw in 25 Random Cards And 1Xyz Card? so that means at 5 k is 5 xyz cards and 125 random cards? that means like maybe the blue eyes i want and the ultimate blue eyes and so forth? how many we pick at 5k on last page? 5?