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The listing, 14 kt white gold 1/2 kt diamond necklace has ended.
it is real gold and a real diamond a special gift for that special lady in your life. bid hi andgood luck to who ever wins i paid 500 dollars for it trying to get enough credits for x mas for my family it is a thin 14 kt white gold about 16 to 20 inches long
Questions & Comments
You can also Drag your photos and make the clearest one the 1st one so it shows up in the searches, etc. That may help you too.
Hope you feel better soon! I'm fighting something off! Hope it holds off til after the Holidays!! 4 kids! Wow! You've got your hands full! Lol!! Good Luck!! I'll keep checking back, usually the big bidders will show up unannounced at the last minute! Lol!
Yes, Trevor Ty Those pics are much better, but even so it still very worth asking a friend or even a photo store or someone to take a couple of very clear up close pics!! It could be the difference between you getting 10,000 credits or 150,000 credits , which would you like? I'd love to see your family have a nice Xmas , but it would be a shame if you don't! I am still going to push you to try to get really great pics!And try to get details of where the piece is marked. Usually it's marked on the back , possibly on the pendant hanger. And also if you can find the paperwork, of course that's a huge help!! Just because I was the first to nag you(hahaha!!)and you've been so nice to try to comply, and answering all the questions, I'm going to kick the bidding up a notch, but meanwhile, you have 3 days left! Get someone to let you use their good camera!!! Ask everyone you know! If you can get more info from a jeweler on the Diamond( Clarity , size in carats) or any info!! Do IT!!! Run ! Don't walk!! Lol!! Ok , so here we go!! I'll bump it up to 10,000 you do what you need to do, and I promise you if you get really detailed clear pics(like in the magazine ads for jewelry) you'll get a ton of bids in the last 3 hours of your auction!
In some ways though I must say , you know the old story, my son loved the boxes more than the gifts!! Hahaha!!One year I got a refrigerator box and painted it with him like a Mansard Roof with Scalloped Roof tiles, it had two windows and a door and he could stand of sit in it! We got a little plastic chair for it , made a small table and he''d sit inside and read for hours! Or play with his Legos , or the cat , it was one of his most favorite things!! (Not the $300 Plastic Car, lol!! He did love that , too but not as much!)
I have one big 20 yr old now , but I know how hard I struggled to get him great Christmas gifts! His Dad and I worked like crazy just to stay in the house! The mortgage was big, taxes more than doubled on our property , keeping 2 cars insured, and running, the heat, Food, bills from when my son was born , 19% on Credit cards it seemed like we would just never make it!! But I had to give my son a great Christmas. He just loved it so much and was so happy it was so worth it all! (You should get a better camera to take those Christmas pics!! Too!You don't want blurry Xmas pics to look back on in 20 yrs! Lol!!
I fanned you and bumped it up fairly high.. okay people, if you want this you are going to have to reach!
I mean that in the nicest possible way ...LOL
Trevor.. I struggled with the same thing. I just shoot a picture where it is clear in my viewfinder, take the picture then upload it to your computer. Go to the picture, right click and then click edit. if you are running windows, paint should pop up. Crop out just the part you want to keep then enlarge it. Works much better!
If you are using your phone.. well.. not sure what will help, other than backing up a little.
I hope you get lots of credits for your kids. One other thing, although I am sure you are getting sick of this pic thing, but if you can get a clear really really close up photo of the markings (near the clasp) you definitely will get way more credits. Probably too many for me to even bid! But I will bid to get you a little higher! :) Merry Christmas!
Do you have a portait setting, or a little flower setting on your camera. If so hit that get back a little ways, zoom in and hold yer breath and you'll get a clean pic. You do have a few good ones on here. I'd like to see a very goog close uo of the rock tho. Happy Holidays. Thanks for listing. F&W
the lady at kay jewelers told me the necklace is 14kt white gold and the diamond is 1/4 ct. I1 near colorless i dont know alot about jewelery thats why i took it too a professional i wish i had all the info on it but it was lost during the move it is very real bought it at zales dept store in the mall i paid 500 dollars for it.
my camera wont let me my camera stinks i tried the best i could im trying to get a digital camera on here so my pics will be better in the future of everything i want to put up here
Just to clarify; The title says 1/2k & later you mention 1/4k, which is correct? If it is really 1/4, you need to add that info to the description! Best of luck to you! I hope you & your kids have a great Christmas!
Hey , lookup everybody !! 33 minutes to go! This necklace is made by RCI (Royal Chain Inc, fro what I found out and Trevor isn't kidding this piece is worth $500 !!and more!It's a half karat diamond!! I think he's saying the clarity is I (correct me Trevor if I'm wrong) but I just did a quick scan of Ebay and all RCI pieces with Diamonds are listed at or ABOVE $500 some in the thousands! Only 2 were at $149 and $129 and those were only gold chains! One with Citrine one without (plain) this has the added gold on the pendant plus the 1/2 KT DIAMOND!! You get my point!????
Yes, I agree, Trevor when you list something of this quality, it is VERY important to show close up of the item and very clearly. Otherwise it could cause a problem later and you could lose your credits because you failed to be thorough in your description of the item. Also, great pics bring great credits!!!! Your pics need better lighting to show the detail..Good Luck!! very nice item..will be bidding close to the end too...:))