Free: 6 pokemon dialga rare holo salamence rare holo lucario skarmory grotle purugly - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 6 pokemon dialga rare holo salamence rare holo lucario skarmory grotle purugly

6 pokemon dialga rare holo salamence rare holo lucario skarmory grotle purugly
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The listing, 6 pokemon dialga rare holo salamence rare holo lucario skarmory grotle purugly has ended.

6 pokemon dialga rare holo year 2007 1/130 has light surface scatches no creases salamence rare reverse holo year 2007 18/132 no creses has been played skarmory year 2008 51/100 no creses lucario year 2009 53/127 no creses grotle year 2009 49/127 no creases purugly year 2009 88/127
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6 pokemon dialga rare holo salamence rare holo lucario skarmory grotle purugly is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category