Free: Alberta Wild Rose Bush, Rosa acicularis 30+ Seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Alberta Wild Rose Bush, Rosa acicularis 30+ Seeds

Alberta Wild Rose Bush, Rosa acicularis 30+ Seeds
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The listing, Alberta Wild Rose Bush, Rosa acicularis 30+ Seeds has ended.

This is for 30+ seeds of this beauty, it's better know by it's common names, the Wild Rose or Prickly Rose, Rosa acicularis is a member of the rose fam.(Rosaceae). Adopted by the Province of Alberta, Canada to be its official floral emblem.
In Alberta, you can find the Wild Rose in bloom starting in late May & lasting until early Aug. Mine are still blooming. The fragrant flowers are bright pink with petals 3-5 cm in size & can be used for the manufacture of perfume. The Wild Rose is classified as a deciduous shrub (bushy shrub) & can be found almost everywhere in Alberta. The plant grows up to 5 ft. tall & has "bristle like" branches.
In the spring time, new green buds develop on the stems of the Wild Rose and they grow larger until they open up into the beautiful pink flowers that these plants are so admired for.
When the Wild Rose is in bloom, its heavenly fragrance attracts bees & butterflies.
As the flower begins to wither, it turns into a small oval shaped hard seed container called a "rose hip" which is also considered the fruit of the plant. They're very ornamental in fall, the pods turn a bright orange & are very pretty.
Wild Rose hips are known for their high vitamin C content & are used to make syrup, jelly, jams & marmalades. During this process, the hips are peeled of their skins & mashed into a pulp with seeds removed.
The hips of the Wild Rose are also gathered for the preparation of rose hip tea. Even the leaves & flowers can also be used to make tea.
The plant was used by the aboriginal people of N. America for medicinal purposes. It was used to treat ailments such as bee stings & colds. These beautiful bushes flower endlessly all summer. They'll spread & fill any sun lit area of your yard if the hips are left on the plant. Mine are planted on my yard edges as my lawn tends to get dry there, as cover for these areas, that never stay green or gets missed w/ the sprinkler.
Questions & Comments
can these be mailed before christmas?
Dec 15th, 2013 at 8:24:48 AM PST by

Alberta Wild Rose Bush, Rosa acicularis 30+ Seeds is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category