Do some quick comment on people auction over & over. You get a point every time. R some auctions have to promote on FB for an extra 50 points. It all adds up quick.
Yup I know. :/ watching a couple right now hoping that by the time they are up they don't go past what points I have lol. Impossible thought I know but there's hope!
It supposed to say on the bottom corner when they get issued for comments or go to credits allowed or credit balance under your main page below your name.
If not I'll just wait until mines up tomorrow get it shipped as quik as possible so I get my points and hope I can win one and have it shipped before Xmas lol
Another way to get major points like 500/600 is to go to the free offers & sign up that your looking for automobile insurance & fill out info... They giv it to you rite away after filling info... Just make sure & click your looking for insurance not just looking for free bid points or they will not issue them.
Yea it's still at 2006 lol it's okay though I'll just wait haha. Yea maybe but I'm not worried about it to much if it doesn't happen then it's not meant to happen right now lol.
I'm hopin! If I by chance win your auction by some miracle I'll be a happy girl. I'd rather give my points to a trusted listian who needs them lol vs someone I've never dealt with if at all possible if that makes sense :p