Troll is about a troll who is somehow released in a suburban home and begins turning the house, apartment by apartment, into a replica of his home world...and setting up some kind of other-world link. I think. Not bad. Michael (Law and Order) Moriarty stars, apartment owners include Sonny Bono, young guy who ran the station in WKRP in Cincinnati, and Julia Louis Dreyfuss who's turned into a fairy. Saving the day is June Lockhart who rejuvenates herself into her actress daughter, Anne Lockhart, and taks on the evil troll. Troll Two merely stinks on ice. Mercifully, I remember nothing about it.
WOW....I seen Troll also but didn't know there was a part 2 also. This should prove to be a movie worth watching. I fanned you and I plan on bidding when I have more credits.