The listing, Build A First Aid Kit ~ Here is Everything you need has ended.
All this is new and sealed.My husband works in the oil fields and brings home first aid kits all the time.So I took the items out of the case and putting them on here to share.The reason why I took out of case is because it is metal and heavy.Would cost alot to ship.
Items included is
2 3x3 gauze sponges
3 2x2 dressing pads
1 bag of assorted band aides
1 eye pad
1 3pc box compress/gauze/tape
1 bag of 36 alcohol pads
1 16pc box ~2 eye pad~ 4 2x2 gauze pads~4 3x3 gauze pads~1 2x3 non stick pads~1 3x4 non stick pad
1 instant cold compress
1 pair latex gloves
1 cpr protector mouth to mouth barrier
1 box healing ointment 6 antibiotic ointment 2 burn relief gel, 2 blistex, 3 sting pads,1 sunblock,3 lodine pads.
1 ace bandage
1 cotton roll
1 pair scissors
2 eye and skin wash
1 first aid guide
3 ammonia inhalants
1 bio hazard bag
I did check Listia rules and these items where not on the list of not aloud.Everything will packed up neatly in a gallon ziploc bag. As you see pictured.