I appreciate that you are an honest person. There are some on this site who are not.When I am going through auctions if things I need to know are not covered in the description, I ask. Thank you.
Yes it's sad, the last 4 auctions that I won on this site, Ireceived none of the items, but listia did return my credits. I have had 10 auctions of my own which i shipped out to the winners with no problems, and received a positive feedback for each one.
Know what you mean! My last item i sent out was a limited editiin gameboy color with the org. Pokemon and gang on it! Was working 100%. I sent it to the lady who won my auction full padding and everything! And she claims that it haf ni padding and the sound was broken! I told her thats impossible bcuz before i sent it i had my uncle who fixs game systems make sure there wasnt anything wrong with it! I told listia they told me i have to wait 6 more days still!
On the 4 auctions I mentioned before I filed my disputes 14 days after I won them, then had to wait 5 more days to get my credits back on 3 of them. The other one freed them up pretty quick. It pays to be careful on this site.