Thanks so much for your answer. I would be the last one to judge anyone that smokes. Believe me! I know how hard it is to quit & I have at times for 3 yrs 9 months & now this time( & I pray it is my last) 5 months. About 4 months after I quit( this time & I am still chewing nicotine gum I will chew it 4 ever if I have to) I ended up in the Hospital for 9 years & Thank God it was only pneumonla( as bad as it was) because the Dr.'s were throwing a lot of very scary possibilities at me. But as scared as I am to smoke & the damage it has already done. What I do know is that If I don't smoke, it Will Not Get Worse. I still now even get urges. I don't know why I am typing all this! Prob for your Husband, as it has been 5 months & it is still hard, even with the "fear" of what will or could happen. I am sure he already knows all this! Thanks again for your reply! Will be bidding:)