Free: Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
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The listing, Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner has ended.

This is an older model of Roomba. It worked great the last time I used it but Hubby reconfigured the living room and now has wires strung along the floor (Extension cords, Satellies TV, speaker wires.... guy things, y'know!) so it is a pain to use it now because I would have to move the wires.

It needs a pair of new "treads" on the drive wheels but I have seen them around for about $10. It has a battery that was only charged about 10 times - it was replaced because the original one would not hold a charge. When I replaced the battery I also bought a "fast charger" with it and that is included. Also an extra filter.

It is dusty and needs to be cleaned up. I'm just not up to dealing with it these days.

Shipping U. S. only. If you do not have PayPal - DO NOT BID!!! I have had bad experiences with folks bidding, winning, then not paying because they don't have paypal and refuse to mail money or a money order. SO - Paypal only!!! It is fairly heavy so shipping = $8.00.

Good luck and happy cleaning!!
Questions & Comments
Do you know the model number or whatever information that could help evaluate it better?
Oct 28th, 2009 at 9:57:30 PM PDT by
I cannot find a number on it anywhere - I even pulled out the battery to see if the number was under it. I looked for the owner's manual but couldn't find it either, but I did find the 2 virtual walls that came with it so I am including them in the auction.
Oct 29th, 2009 at 6:26:09 AM PDT by
A search for "Roomba Pro" brought it up on Amazon, but they don't have a model number either.
Oct 29th, 2009 at 7:07:08 AM PDT by
So basically how does this one work? Does it sit in a little docking station thing to charge, at a certain time, goes out and cleans all randomly bouncing off walls and stuff and eventually returns to it's home? What are the virtual walls? you put those in front of door ways so it wont go through or something?
Oct 30th, 2009 at 2:12:11 AM PDT by
Yes, you put the virtual walls on one side of the doorways so it won't go through it.
Oct 30th, 2009 at 7:02:12 AM PDT by
I looked more into it. I think this is the very first model of roomba. There was this one and the pro elite. You just hit one of the buttons for room size and it picks up stuff off the ground. pretty cool
Oct 30th, 2009 at 2:26:01 AM PDT by
Yes, you hit the small, medium, or large button - or it also has a "spot clean" selection. Yes, it is one of the first models.
Oct 30th, 2009 at 7:03:43 AM PDT by
Listia should let you associate a PayPal account with your Listia account to pay shipping charges. They could prevent bidding from people who haven't registered a PayPal account with them.
Nov 3rd, 2009 at 1:39:18 PM PST by
I'm sure the Listia folks are working on something - the gears are turning all the time. But I've had the same thing happen on e-Bay too.
Nov 3rd, 2009 at 2:46:54 PM PST by
On Ebay, there's a box you check on your auctions. If checked, only users with PayPal can bid on your auctions. It blocks them otherwise.
Nov 3rd, 2009 at 2:58:00 PM PST by
True, but you still can get deadbeats.
Nov 3rd, 2009 at 6:54:47 PM PST by

Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category