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The listing, Lot of 4 Transformers Toys/Action Figures has ended.
Lot of 4 Transformers Toys/Action Figures - My son has outgrown these. I don't remember much about them, except that the big one transforms into a jet and the smallest orange one into a bulldozer. They are all pretty big, and in gently used condtion. These 4 will fill a shoebox and would make some lttle boy very happy. Smoke free home. I'll ship free in the US.
Questions & Comments
Looking (desperately) for any genuine Generation 1 Transformers in good/new condition. Would appreciate a heads-up if anyone lists some anytime soon.
Bidders: Thank you all for the great bids! I have just been called out of town on a family emergency. I hate being away while I have auctions up. I'm sorry, but I will not have access to my emails or Listia when this closes. Whoever wins, please just go ahead and send me your name and address. I plan to be back online tomorrow night, and I'll respond to you and get your item (s) shipped Monday. Thanks, and hope everyone has a good weekend.
Who Dat Back At Ya !!!!! Great to see another neighbor on Listia. I definately will be following your auctions. My grandson is 4 1/2 and lives and breathes cars and trucks, especially construction trucks and very rarely do I see any good ones on here like yours. I'll definately be in the running, LOL.
Thanks. My son is 16 now, so I'm mostly just cleaning out his old boy toys right now. But I also have a Tomgirl 6 yr old that loves boy toys. Dinosaurs and pirates are her passions. She tries to get into Barbies and princesses, but it's usually short lived before she's back to the boy stuff. I'll keep an eye out for things like trucks and construction toys to put on here too. I see quite a few out here at yard sales with all these little country boys in Walker. They do love their toy trucks. lol
Thanks and "Who Dat".. I've had to slow down some on my listing, because shipping so many large items every week was breaking me. But I always ship free, and usually try to offer bigger and nicer toys and items my kids have outgrown or new things that they recieve as gifts and just are not interested in.
I use my eye glass screw driver for the little ones. I have 31 grand and grt and 21 are boys and some of them have younger boys I will be watching I am building up my credits so I can bid higher LOve to have these Nice auction
I just have a suggestion. See if you can remove the batteries. The older they get the can corode. And then it can be dangerous I have 8 sons all grown but lts and I mean lots of grandsons and great The younger ones love transformers
Thanks and good luck for your grandsons! I usually do remove the old batteries, but in this instance it's a tiny phillips head jewelers screwdriver that I don't own, so I don't think I can get them out. The winner will need to handle that.
Have read all the comments and I would have left description the same as you because I don't know much about orig. transformer toys either. I believe you are well in your right to defend your credibility and back you in your decision to block the guy. I agree with you on the fact that you even stuck up for yourself. I too believe a true collector would see they are not orig. and pass by. I dislike the trolls weather they are newbies or not. I think this is a great auction and I believe the person who wins will not be dissappointed. Good luck and I will be watching. Fanned!!
Most people I would say would probaly list it the same way. Only a true collector would know the difference.Most bidders don't care if they are the real ones or not.The collectors out there should just pass on and keep it to themselves.I've seen so many people make negative comments on auctions.It makes me sick to see them.I too would block anybody that was negative.
Thank you and amen! Most descriptions a collector would be interested in probably don't start with " My son has outgrown these. I don't remember much about them". I don't usually block people, but I felt two negative comments on the same auction, from someone who has used Listia a total of 6 times, was a little much.
I have always been a transformers fan since the time they started in the 80's. I'm in my 30's now. I can verify they are NOT the real deal. These are great toys and most little boys would LOVE to have them. These are not properly labeled for people who are looking to collect real Transformers. Zilos was right about what he said and he even paid you a compliment and said they are a great toy,- it was immature of you to call him a name then block him like that. I guess next you'll block me too. The point was to let others know it's not the collectable org. transformers but that they are still great toys for a boy to play with. Just because you didn't agree you shouldn't have been mean.
Yes, it probably was immature of me. And if the piont was to let people know these are not collectible or 1st generation originals, he could have said so, once, and not come back again with an "I told you so" and using words like "rip-off". People forget this was intended to be a garage sale type site, the items are free, and I'm shipping it to them for free. And no, I see no reason to block you at this point. You have very politely established your credibility and stated your knowlege on the product. I am very open to comments from anyone with knowledge of an item that I do not have. What I'm not open to are repeated attacks on the auction item by the same individual.
I was reading the conversation between you and zilos and was wondering what you meant by the term 'newbie trolls'? Thought it sounded funny. Good luck on your auction.
Thank you for the well wishes. I don't usually block people. In fact he's, only the 2nd I've ever blocked. "Newbie" is a new user. He had logged into Listia only 6 times when I made that comment, and two of those times were apparently to make negative comments on my auction. A "troll" is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community. The fact that he came back and posted the term "rip-off" twice on my auction was obviously "inflammatory".
I may have a few others. I've just started cleaning out the kid's playroom at the Grandmother's house, and have come across quite a few things that have been pushed aside over the years. I'll email you if I come across anything else to list.
i sooo remember buying these for my sons when they were little. had them all over the place. memories. they just loved them. best of luck with your auction.
please put what the stuff actually is i said it once not transformers they are rip offs trust u me just cuz of a bandai logo just means they made it ok
I believe these might be a mixture of toys transformers were made by Hasbro and Marvel Entertainment..the first pic looks like it could be gundam or power rangers...
Yes, he loved Power Rangers too. You may be correct. The blue one with the gold wheel and red mask looks like it may have been a Power Rangers Megazord. Now I remember the whole bit about them morphing into space vehicles, dinos, and all that strange stuff. lol. Thanks.
The big blue one has a trademark logo of 2000. My son is 16 now, and played with these from ages 3 or 4 to about age 6 or 7. So I'm guessing all 4 are from sometime between 1998 and 2002.
Thanks :-) The big jet one is def. genuine and marked "Bandai 2000". Looks like it lit up or something at one time too. There is a place on the back to install a couple of 1.5 v batteries. I'm sure it's the original batteries in it that are long ago dead. No markings on the other 3 at all that I can find. Also just discovered that the black one has a ball under its gold chestplate and a button on the back. Guess the ball shoots or something. Just don't remember. It's been over a decade since anyone has played with them.
i wud not so much say much as so these really arent transformers these are rip offs of the original transformer i mean still a great toy for any kid to enjoy i just figured inform the buyers before they end up with regret
No, I would say these are genuine. The big blue jet one is marked Bandai 2000. My son got all of these in the late 90s and early 2000s before they were popular enough for ripoffs to be made.
These are cool my son just loves the transformers so i gotta try my credits on these. Thanks for listing some cool items. I also fanned you if you could please do the same