I no that when I first made this account it had asked me if I wanted to get verified but I didn't think anything of it. maybe I should delete the account and do it all over again and try verify it that way as well as repost this dress to action? maybe then I can do it
Jamie, Let's try 1 step at a time. First, make sure you get your address saved. :) Why doesn't the system let you do it? What does it say? Make sure you're putting the right info in each block. Try putting your apartment # where it says Address line 2. And make sure you've checked either the in the us button or outside the us button~ whichever is for you. Once you click the Validate button, it will show how the Us Postal system thinks of it. If you agree, then confirm and your address should be saved. :)
Ok, now why doesn't the system let you hook up to your Facebook account? Do you have one? Is it current? Are you using your correct Facebook account info such as the right password or if you don't use your Facebook often, could you have forgotten your correct info?
Do you have a phone? Can you get verified by that?
I'm here to help~ let me know the details. Try 1 thing at a time, then get back to me and let me know what you encountered. I'll try my best to help. :) Don't get frustrated, we'll keep trying, ok? BIG HUG, ~Michele~ :)