F & W Can you add some pictures please. Pictures of front, back, and a few of the inside to show different pockets and that it has no rips or stains, please. Thank you. Very nice bag!
No one but listia will have access to that info. I didn't give my bank info either but I did give my cell number and as far as I know, they don't sell your info. I've not had anyone from listia call me, they only use the info to further verify you are who you say you are.
The more auctions you list and get positive reviews, the more people will start bidding on your items. Once you've listed 15 auctions and gotten 90% positive feed back, then you will become a "trusted seller" and then you will get more people to bid because they can trust that you will follow through on your auctions.
Any way, I fanned you and will be watching this auction. Welcome to listia and good luck on this auction and future ones!
To get verified, go to your page, look on the left under "verifications" and click on one of the icons. You can give your cell#, home#, address, bank info, credit card, etc. Listia verifies that this is your info and you have more verification that you are who you say you are. With little verification, some people won't bid because there are people who have scammed others just to get free credits.