It's a internet. As. Long. As you each pick. Up. A. Hot. Spot. They. Cost. By. The amount. Of gb's. You. Get. ,! 5. Gb's. Is. $. 55.00. At. AT&T '! An a. Very. High. Cost. For. Overage's ! They. Are. Just. Ok ! They. Don't. Work. Like. They. Say ? God. Bless
No, this. Isn't. What. You think ! You. Have to still have. An. Open. Hot. Spot. For. It. To. Work. Properly ! An that. 4. Gb's. Will last you. Maybe half. A. Month ! Less. Than. 30. Day's for $. 55.00. To. $ 60.00
Please. Tell us can they. Get. More. Than. 4 gb's. A mo. Or. Is this. Their. Limit ? I. Had one. My. Limit. Was. 5. Gb's. A mo. An overage was out of. Site cost's ! The. $ 55.00. A. Mo. Was a killer an it never. Lasted. The. Whole mo. , ! How about. Your's ? Just. Wondering. If. You had the same. Problem ? God. Bless
My. Husband. Said to go ahead an bid on this. ,! That. Way if Won he. Won 't. Have to rent. Mine any. More ! Shoot. I. Didn't. Know. We were renting the thing !