The listing, horse calendar & reminder stickers/gin ask has ended.
For all you horse lovers , here's a nice 2014 calendar which comes with important reminder stickers
sorry the are so small could not take a clear picture of them~~ stickers .
here is what the stickers say
show day~~12ct
breeding ~~ 5ct
anniversary ~~ 2ct
dentist~~ 2ct
foaling ~~5 ct
travel ~~5ct
reminder 5ct
traning ~~15 ct
entry deadline ~~12 ct
reorder ~~3ct
farrier ~~6ct
birthdat ~~6ct
clipping ~~3ct
medicine ~~3ct
payment due ~~ 7ct
service~~ 5ct
vet~~ 6ct
renew ~~ 6ct
clinic~~ 6ct
first aid kit ~~ 2 ct
shots ~~ 4ct
insurance~~ 12 ct
deworm ~~ 9 ct
celebrate ~~ 3ct
psyllium ~~ 12ct
2nd picture show each month
but wait !!!!!! theres more , act now and you will receive money saving products 24ct from 3-10 dollars savings . loctated inside your calendar. this is not part of the auction , it is just attached to calendar and do not want to remove.
get it now ~~~~~~ 3333 ~~~~~~~
contact me and i will be happy to place it up .
those who fan me , ( i do appreciate that ) i will be happy to fan back .