Free: 5 Purple Wisteria Seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 5 Purple Wisteria Seeds

5 Purple Wisteria   Seeds
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The listing, 5 Purple Wisteria Seeds has ended.

These seeds are from 2010 They are a blueish Purple.

If you are looking for a tree to make a privacy fence here it is. Make sure you are wanting this tree cause it can be hard to get rid of. They are lovely and the butterflies love them. They come in white and pink too but I have none of them yet. I am looking for them though.

A Temperate Vine - Most members of the Wisteria family are quite long lived, and can grow to have substantial trunks and large vines if allowed to do so. If you purchase a Wisteria tree while in your 20's it would not be unusual to still have it around after you retire. The Wisteria is hardy in most temperate regions of the United States, doing quite well in USDA Zones 5 through 9, with some varieties surviving quite nicely in Zone 4 and even in Zone 3. In this respect, if you purchase a Wisteria on line or by mail order, rather than from a local nursery, it's advisable to check to see what zones the plant will do well in.

The Wisteria tree is especially attractive when supported by a trellis or growing along a porch or patio roof. Most varieties grow quite rapidly, almost too rapidly in some cases, and one has to be careful not to plant a Wisteria too near another plant or tree which it could easily smother or strangle. The Wisteria in fact is can be a rather deadly beauty. As lovely and as fragrant as the blossoms are, they are poisonous. In fact, all parts of the plant are toxic, which should be taken into account when deciding whether to plant one, or where to plant one.

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