In order to have better results with this auction, please add more details regarding your item. Your auction is missing a description or picture. These two things will go a long way in instilling confidence in potential bidders. We also highly recommend that you include pictures of the actual item that is being auctioned, (not just use stock photos from the manufacturer). For higher valued items, please include a notecard or piece of paper with your Listia username in one of the pictures of the actual item. This will also reduce the number of questions that your bidders will ask, and most importantly, you`ll get the best results with your auction.
Thanks for making these changes and good luck with your auction!
Jan 11th, 2014 at 6:20:42 PM PST by
can someone please help me,i don't know how to put the picture in or take it really confused,but don't let this go for 1 its really worth bidding for if you are a artist or working at it.
i am totally sorry that this item won't be shipped until i figure out what i am doing wrong on uploading pictures,i am sorry and hope i get this fix soon,quit bidding on this item i will not send it,thank you for your time.
To add a picture, you first need take a photo using a digital camera. Then, you need to view this listing page ( and click edit up at the top right under where it says auction tools. It will open the page you saw when first creating this listing. You need to look for Add Photo, specifically you are looking for a blue and white icon of a camera and click it. It will open a small window that allows you to navigate and select the photo you took. If it's on a memory card that you inserted into your computer, you will first want to navigate to that card, then find the file of the photo you want. I happen to know exactly what they look like and would like to bid on these pens even without the photo. If you do not want to continue this listing, you
(cont.'d) you may want to attempt to contact a moderator, but as far as I know, according to Listia policies, you have to agree to follow through on your listing regardless of the final amount. This is a site to give away unwanted items for free, and you listed this item at a low starting point level, so the only way to get a higher bid amount is if people want to buy it and there is competition. Photos and free shipping help, but there is no guarantee of a minimum bid amount unless you set it at the minimum you are willing to accept. In this case it was 1 credit. You cannot list items, have people bid on them, then deny sending the item to the winner because it wasn't enough credits. This website does not work like that. It may help to read the FAQ so this does not happen again. In the meantime, good luck with the photo and I will bid and you never know what the bids may end up at.
Hi Wes, I bid pretty high for these-they are good quality art items. Hopefully other Listians will also bid so they can go for closer to what they are worth (or at least what they will cost to ship). Please don't give up on Listia. It is a good place once you get the hang on it. Feel free to fan me if you can, I always fan back. And if you have any questions the help site is! :-) Have a great day, April (teambeattie)