Free: Datura La Fleur Lilac 20 fresh 2013 seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Datura La Fleur Lilac 20 fresh 2013 seeds

Datura La Fleur Lilac 20 fresh 2013 seeds
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The listing, Datura La Fleur Lilac 20 fresh 2013 seeds has ended.

One of my favorites!! Such a pretty little lilac colored flower with a scent that fill the evening air.
A self sowing annual. Flowers are 3-4 inches long and face upwards. They attract hummingbirds and humminmgbird moths & butterflies.
Bushy plant, pinch off spent blooms each day for loads of repeat blooming. I always leave at least 2-3 pods.
Every part of the datura plant is poisonous.

My shipping is Free , I put 2 stamps on a small padded envelope and mail. if you want a tracking # then shipping is 2.00 for first class shipping of a pkg.
it is payable by paypal

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Thank you and Good luck!!

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If I do not have a Listia Approved address in 7 days I will relist and keep the credits!
Questions & Comments
II have started many plants from seed but every time I win an auction on here the seed do not germinate. Do you guarantee your seeds to germinate?
Jan 15th, 2014 at 7:30:27 AM PST by
I can't guarntee it no more than the seed indusrty can. I can provide details to start them and I give plenty of seeds so that it is unlikely none will germinate. But I start the same seeds every year and they sprout. These seeds in particular can hoxever lay dormant for several years. I have found that planting these in a cold frame in Feb. they come up un the spring. They need the stratification. Cold temps, . I google every seed I get to see how to start them, Not all seeds are started the same. Some need light, some need cold, some need dark. Some you just lay on top[ of dirt to sprout.Sometime the seeds people collect if they are not mature seeds they won't sprout. I hope this helps. I also store these in my crisper drawer so they are ready to plant.
Jan 15th, 2014 at 11:24:10 AM PST by
Will be bidding.
Jan 15th, 2014 at 11:38:21 AM PST by
Good Luck!
Jan 15th, 2014 at 12:07:47 PM PST by
Do these bloom at night?
Jan 20th, 2014 at 3:44:58 PM PST by
Yes they do and they smell Soooooo good!!!
Jan 20th, 2014 at 3:47:33 PM PST by
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What month is the best month to plant these if your on the east coast, specifically NJ? Watching!
Jan 22nd, 2014 at 3:40:25 PM PST by
After your last frost
Jan 22nd, 2014 at 6:38:27 PM PST by
Very pretty.
Jan 22nd, 2014 at 10:34:02 PM PST by

Datura La Fleur Lilac 20 fresh 2013 seeds is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category