The listing, 9 dvd lot has ended.
9 dvd lot. The other 9 will be added 1 by one if bidding gets to 15,000. Once bidding hits 15.000 I will add one to the nine. if bidding gets to 18,000 I'll add another. If bidding gets to 20,000 I'll add the 3rd. If bidding gets to 22,000 I'll add 2 more. If bidding gets to 25,000 you will get 2 more added. Lastly if bidding gets over 30,000 you will get all 18 dvds. Shipping will be sat at as if you won full lot if you win less then full lot I may can take $1 or $2 off of shipping. No paypal. I take postal money orders, moneygram,concealed cash or greendot money pack card. If any questions please asked. Click on picture to see name of movies. Most all movies was watch only once and kept in box. The first picture is the first 9 to go.