I had jury duty all day long today...and I have to be there the week of March 10th-14th for 5 days in a row!! I am getting my house clean and stocking up on good food and snacks waiting on the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony on Feb. 6th....I am so excited !!!
Well the Mint is so popular they sell of that one 1st i think...i always have trouble finding the tangerine Eos and i like it because its medicated....if i get a mint EOS i will let you know and I will get you one when I get mine....I am down to just Lemon Drop, Honeysuckle Honeydew and Summer Fruit.....I don't like Strawberry flavored anything ..I hate strawberries so i always give that one to my girls
Oh that's funny I have seen the tangerine every store I've been at, just not the mint. I've never had to do jury duty! They probably wouldn't use me anyway I don't have a problem speaking my mind, I would probably scare them .... lol Well when I get to spend more money I'll grab the tangerine for you.
Well I haven't been picked yet...today they just scheduled you to come back for further evaluation....I don't think I will get picked when I go in March....especially if I am wearing my St. Ann Sweatshirt lol!!! This is the first time i have been to jury duty in about 12 years!!! There were 4,800 people there today that were summoned...they have to go through a lot of people to find a jury!!