Free: Schick intuition razors... 5 ...3pks - Skincare, Bath & Body - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Schick intuition razors... 5 ...3pks

Schick intuition razors... 5 ...3pks
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The listing, Schick intuition razors... 5 ...3pks has ended.

U get 5 ... 3 pks
Questions & Comments
Thank you SO much!! I know I zanies being a pain here but is it possible to lower to 3 days instead? If not, it's totally fine. I'll still bid either way. I also hate to see you set the starting bid at only zero - you deserve more credits than that so I'd at least set the starting bid at 5,000 credits (or at the very least 499 if you don't want to be charged the listing fee).

I know it's odd for a buyer to actually request being charged more credits - ha - but I do think it's a great offer and feel you definitely deserve a good bit of credits.

Thank you again!!
Jan 17th, 2014 at 5:17:40 PM PST by
I lowered the days for u ... and did a starting bid lol your very welcome
Jan 17th, 2014 at 5:27:09 PM PST by
Zanies? Lol where did that come from...don't know why autocorrect chose that instead of *am being*...but hey whatever - ha.
Jan 17th, 2014 at 5:20:25 PM PST by
Jan 17th, 2014 at 5:29:37 PM PST by
Perfect!! Thank you so much!! I know it was a weird request but I just wanted to at least be fair about it. Those things are so darn expensive - a 3pk alone is roughly $12. So deserve to have a higher starting bid - ha. I put a decent bid in but I'll keep coming back to check on it incase I need to increase it. Thank you so much again!! I'm super excited! Lol
Jan 17th, 2014 at 5:32:05 PM PST by
It wasn't weird at all lol and your very welcome yes I know they are very expensive lol 14.75 a pk at walgreens lol that's insane
Jan 17th, 2014 at 6:18:07 PM PST by
fanned n watchin.. pls fan back
Jan 18th, 2014 at 10:26:36 PM PST by
Ty very much
Jan 19th, 2014 at 9:01:15 AM PST by

Schick intuition razors... 5 ...3pks is in the Health & Beauty | Skincare, Bath & Body category