Wow touchy, sorry I couldn't read the name on the game. The key to getting high bids on listings is to put as much information as possible up for the customers to see, has nothing to do with being a grown adult, helping a person make their listing better viewed and understood isn't childish. Was gonna bid 3600 credits but now won't bother you with the interest.
chalk it up to words of wisdom. it's not always what you say it's how you say it. It doesn't mean anything to me to pull this down just to make sure a rude childish innature wine bag doesn't get this. remember that
did you know that listings up to 499 are free you paying 50 credits for listings starting 500 credits so you losing 49 credits may want to look into that
I am listing this action for my son. I am a grown adult who has a real life and does not obsess over childish nonsense. The game is called Super scribble nuts I think. my son out grew it but hay buddy I think your in the rite maturity bracket to enjoy it