Free: Amazon Kindle E-reader - Other Electronics - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Amazon Kindle E-reader

Amazon Kindle E-reader
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The listing, Amazon Kindle E-reader has ended.

Amazon Kindle...Built In Wi-fi..Thin And Light-Weight..Downloads In Less Than 60 Seconds..Holds Up To 3500 Books...Easy To Read..Even In Bright Sunlight..No Glare... Comes With Charger Already Have Been Reset
Just an E-reader It does not do apps and has NO back light screen is 6 inches

I wish these rules weren’t necessary. But I have come across some truly stupid people. And I don’t want them on my auctions where I have met the best of the best! ( You know who you are ) You guys ROCK! To the opinionated, negative ones:

Rule #1: And THE most important! WE ARE ALL HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. There are no Negative Nancy’s allowed!

*2. If you're not grown up enough to contact me before filing a dispute, walk away now.

*3. Respect is earned, not given.

*4. Tolerance is ZERO for BS, or your NEGATIVE opinion.

*5. Kind does not mean stupid. Manipulation, deliberate misinterpretation, or outright demands, will backfire.

*6. Do not ask me to shorten the days, change GIN or shipping

*7. In the event you feel you need to file a dispute. Make sure you're 100% in the right. If you are, it won't take me but a moment to refund credits. If you are not, you're stuck with it.

Please read ALL of the auction details. INCLUDING ANY UPDATES!!

***Fair Warning***

If you choose to ignore the above rules, it will be your mistake. I am no shrinking violet.

*~*~* Everybody else.. THANK YOU for stopping by*~*~*
Listia Rules Apply
Shipping & Verified address must be sent within 7 days. If I've emailed you several times and you do not respond, I will relist the item and keep the credits.

Must be verified or I will not sent and I will keep your credits so do not bid if not verified
Thank you so much.....
Questions & Comments

Amazon Kindle E-reader is in the Electronics | Other Electronics category