Free: The Miracle of Life DVD - DVD - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: The Miracle of Life DVD

The Miracle of Life DVD
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I bought this at a sale at the library when I was pregnant. Very informative!

"Still startlingly beautiful after several years, Nova's The Miracle of Life records human conception for the first time on film, and much more. Living, functioning reproductive systems are laid bare to the camera, and there is so much to explore and absorb that Nova's expert guidance is much needed and appreciated. The viewer follows an egg from its follicular development in an ovary, through the delicate, flowery fallopian tube for fertilization, and on to the uterus for development and eventual birth. Likewise, we follow the shorter journey of millions of sperm as they develop and strive mightily to reach the egg. (There isn't a man alive who can watch intraurethral footage without squirming--see for yourself!) Photographer Lennart Nilsson has shown us something profoundly beautiful and yet has left its fundamental mystery intact. The Miracle of Life is a rarity: a documentary that is also art." --Rob Lightner
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The Miracle of Life DVD is in the Movies & TV Shows | DVD category