Yes, AngelEyes, this set is brand new, but Schylling has been making it since the late 90's. And yes, it is a tiny miniature set, however it still retails for up to 10.00, and Cheryl is offering free shipping. Very cute little, authentic Schylling set, that has been being made since the late 90's! Welcome to Listia, Cheryl! I would fan you, however I am at my limit. Thank you for a nice listing with free shipping, I hope it does very well for you. <><
A fair GIN, including the free shipping, would have been 10,000 to 14,000 credits, since shipping alone will be approx.. $6.00. HOWEVER! Please remember, our new Listians are not able to offer GIN! So bid this up nicely, as a 'welcome' for Cheryl. <><