from tip of the ear to the bottom of the heel is 26 inches. arm to arm 22 inches. head 15 inches wide and 10 inches long. legs are 8 inches long. belly is 8 inches long and 12 inches wide.
from tip of the ear to the bottom of the heel is 26 inches. arm to arm 22 inches. head 15 inches wide and 10 inches long. legs are 8 inches long. belly is 8 inches long and 12 inches wide.
Okay I need some info about bidding. If I bid on something and don't win do I forfeit the credits? or do you get them back? Thanks can't find the answer online.
u keep ur credits but they are on hold until u are outbid or the item ends. u can see what credits u have available on ur main page on the right side at the bottom :) Nice auction watching ! and welcome :)