Free: Bruce Lee DVD The Chinese Connection - DVD - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Bruce Lee DVD The Chinese Connection

Bruce Lee DVD The Chinese Connection
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The listing, Bruce Lee DVD The Chinese Connection has ended.

This auction is for the widescreen DVD of Bruce Lee's "The Chinese Connection". It is the Kung Fu Classic Digitally REmastered. Bruce Lee consolidated his position as the cinemas greatest martial artist in this Kung Fu classic from Lo Wei, who also directed Lee's first leading role in "The Fists Of Fury", and several of Jackie Chan's early films. The legendary star is at his powerful, graceful best in this film, which is set in the early 1900's, and pulls no punches as the star pupil of Shanghai's Chinese Karate School.
When he sets out to avenge the senseless murder of his beloved old instructor by tracking down the sadistic brutes who slew him, Bruce gets caught up in a violent web of international terror and intrigue. Praised in the Time Out Film Guide as "one of the best...a series of spectacular fight routines, often filmed in slow motion, which are highly acrobatic and exciting" this is a milestone of the martial arts.
1hr 43min
Questions & Comments
Can you gin?
Feb 6th, 2014 at 2:06:13 PM PST by
It will be 3,000 for GIN. You ok with that?
Feb 8th, 2014 at 4:39:22 AM PST by
It wont let me add GIN
Feb 8th, 2014 at 4:44:45 AM PST by
Someone bidded on it that why
Feb 9th, 2014 at 4:36:50 PM PST by
ok, thanx
Feb 10th, 2014 at 7:47:52 PM PST by
You're welcone
Feb 10th, 2014 at 8:00:36 PM PST by

Bruce Lee DVD The Chinese Connection is in the Movies & TV Shows | DVD category