Free: Book: Last Known Victim by E. Spindler - Fiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Book: Last Known Victim by E. Spindler

Book: Last Known Victim by E. Spindler
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The listing, Book: Last Known Victim by E. Spindler has ended.

Book will be mailed via Media Mail. A fee of $3.00 will be required to cover S&H paid via PAYPAL. I ship as soon as I receive payment. Questions? Please ask. No payment after 7 days will result in forfeit of credits and re-posting of the book, along with a neutral feedback. Do no bid if you cannot send the $3.00 within 7 days

In 2005, hurricane rescue workers made a grisly discovery at one of the massive refrigerator "graveyards"--six female hands
Captain Patti O'Shay, a by-the-books cop, is assigned to the case. But with the evidence lost to time and the elements, the heinous incident goes unsolved. The perpetrator, known only as "The Handyman," remains at large.

Two years later Patti is still haunted by her own personal tragedy---her husband and fellow police captain was murdered in the post-storm chaos. But when a female victim missing her right hand is unearthed, Patti prepares to return to The Handyman investigation. She is unprepared, however, for what she finds at the crime scene---the victim's bones beside her husband's police badge.

Casting aside all the rules, Patti is fearless in her quest to find the truth...because if she isn't, she could become The Handyman's last known victim.
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Book: Last Known Victim by E. Spindler is in the Books | Fiction Books category