Free: MTG Moriok Replica - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MTG Moriok Replica

MTG Moriok Replica
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The listing, MTG Moriok Replica has ended.

If the bids are over
600 I will add one basic land card.
If bids are over
800 I will add one random common card as well.
1000 I will add one random uncommon card as well.
1200 I will add one random rare card as well.
now if the bid is over
2000 I will add another random common and uncommon card as well.
some cards are new and some are used but in good condition.
All random cards are just that random do not ask.
The basic land card you can ask for the color that you want or it will be random.
Questions & Comments

MTG Moriok Replica is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category