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The listing, DIY MOCCASIN KITS 2 PAIRS has ended.
Two pairs of DIY MOCCASIN KITS IN "RED" THESE HAVE SOULS in them. One is size MEN/BOYS 5 (WOMENS/GIRLS 6) Other is MENS/BOYS size 4(WOMENS/ GIRLS 5). Complete set and only just found this bag of moccasins just now on husbands side of closet!!!! THESE have cushioned souls unlike the others I had listed before and in the color of RED!!!!!!
these are unlike any others I had posted. these actually have souls in them and are COLORED. A beautiful RED. They are a nice soft real leather suede with soul supports in them. so being they are smaller sizes figured I would offer a 2 FOR DEAL. I usually do not because they have sold so well but WOW RED!! and I mean a nice RED too.
In this bag I actually found a pair competed that my DAD actually made..those will not be u for bid. he adorned those with beads but I would be happy to take pic and add to show you what they look like when they are completed ( beads not included with kits) let me know if you would like to see a completed pair that my father did when he was alive
yes they are DIY kits and can be very expensive. But my dad was at the Veteran's Hospital alot so he would make them for the nurses and other patients who had no vistors since he was there a few times a week and woould adorn them with beads etc so everyone had a custom pair. This went on for years, I mean years not once did I or my sons get one pair. Yet now that he has been dead I have gotten many mystery bags and these are some of the bags I have found, I thought we were done with all of them till I went looking for my work boots when i found this bag deep on hubby's side of closet and my response I can't repeat and they have souls in them. One pair completely finished and adorned with beads. but RED ONES AND BLACK ONES and even a purse kit. Never did find my work boots my sons took them lol Those are gone but yes MOM THERE WAS ANOTHER BAG and MOM APOLOGIZED roflol sadly I do not think there are any red ones in my size and I do not know if my hands can hold up to make them.
These are nice craft items for kids or stay-at-homers to make - your father sounds like someone who wouldn't give into life's circumstances (if at all possible)! I'm sure he blessed and will be blessed!
I am ot the craftiest person either nor was he but he managed to do these and a great number of them too. I guess it is all on who you are making them for. I know when I taught my sons to cook and bake I told them anything you eat and you loved that much was made with love. And my youngest was a chili cook off winner at age 13 and one of his ingredients he listed was LOVE. sometimes it isn't the brand name it is the love someone put into it that makes it's value. And these are great craft kits but the fact of what you have after will last a long time. I once "tried " to make a sock monkey. sadly did not go so well. He has no ears. My sons loves that monkey even as a teen and says he has a special needs sock monkey that I made him out of love and refuses to let me buy or replace with a perfect one lol I feel horrible says complete in one hour took my five days. SO I feel for you. But he still has the monkey and keeps it by his bed.
I think kids would do great at these. I did show pic of one complete pair my dad made I found in bag. FANCY SMANCY pair lol. I am going to take on challenge of the purse kit I found in bag.
We always had moccasins as kids purchased in small store in Maine. never knew there were DIY KITS till after my father passed. He never made them for us so when I got the bag of unfinished ones I kinda felt hurt he never made any for me or even my sons. But so the saying goes..water under the bridge. But these are so colorful and would like to see them go to someone who would like to have them and they actually have souls in them which makes them even better.
Yes he did them up very nice. again those were for display only no beads included. I was amazed I found another bag of the kits and these have souls in them and so colorful.
they really are such brilliant colors and souls in them. Again If the red sizes won't work for you I listed what I had in one of the comments I am happy to mix and match what I do have to accomidate
What amazes me is they have souls in them and the colors. RED WOW!! they are so colorful and wish I had them in my size lol but why not do a BOGO offer. the winter storms are making us parents become creative and we need something to do as well. I showed a picture of how my father adorned them with the pony beads.( beads not included)
Hubby is wearing the last pair my dad made and he is loving them! My youngest has been borrowing them too. Since he wears size larger than hubby and oldest wears a size 12 he is out of luck. lol Too big for me but they last a long time and I was stunned to see a completed pair myself in the bag of kits. I added a pic of how my Dad adorned them with beads.( beads not included)
I have never made them, but my sons girlfriend did/ she had really tiny feel and she made them in an hour and adorned hers with real stone beads. hers were black so tey came our very nice.
the purse is small not big it would hold say your id and some paper money not more than that. I do not know more information about it. ( say the length of it etc) AGAIN LET ME STRESS I CAN NOT GET ANYMORE AS MY FATHER HAS BEEN GONE TWO YEARS AND HE GOT THEM AND MADE THEM AND GAVE THEM AWAY COMPLETED.So as far as measurement with the purse I do not have that information it just says purse. Let me think on that one
SOULS IN THESE AND R E D can not beat that. I have included a pair that was completed( beads not included in kit sorry) that was the last pair my father made before he passed. he adorned each pair he made so everyone he made them for got a custom pair.
These are so nice, I would love to make these!If I hav a pattern to follow I could make them,it wouldnt be hard to adjust them to a smaller size.Now it says two pair of red ones can that include the two pairs of 9's and 10's?F&W!