Free: MTG - Rare - Fated Return - Born of the Gods - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MTG - Rare - Fated Return - Born of the Gods

MTG - Rare - Fated Return - Born of the Gods
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The listing, MTG - Rare - Fated Return - Born of the Gods has ended.

This is "Fated Return," a Rare card from the new Born of the Gods release. Fated Return is an Instant. It allows you to take a creature from your graveyard and put it onto the battlefield where it plays with indestructible.

Shipping is free in the U.S. AND CANADA! It shouldn't be too painful to reply to me with a Listia verified address within 24-48 hours from auction end. That will make it much easier for me to get your item to you in a timely manner. I ship within Listia's allotted 7 days, but almost always have your item in the mail within 1-3 days (with regards to postal holidays).
All wins and bids are final.
Nobody in my house smokes... not the adults, not the children, and not the cats either.
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F&B :)
Feb 27th, 2014 at 4:47:54 PM PST by

MTG - Rare - Fated Return - Born of the Gods is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category