I do not see why not but not sure what cost would be for Canada. I will need zipcode and have hubby the mailman check in to exact cost and get back to you and yes we do PAYPAL.
ok hubby brought home form to ship to Canada YOWZA ok we have to weigh and fill out paper work etc and since we have never shipped anything to Canada before lol( been there) this will be a first. So we have to weigh the package re read the stereo instructions wait for full moon hop on one leg lol. We will know when it is weigh and hubby can translate all the customs information but we do have form. You may want to private message me with this one. It will be technical. But if you want them happy to ship just trying to figure the form out. I know how it is being packaged............shipped many pairs out in USA . CONGRATS ON BEATING US IN OLYMPICS!! lol