Free: Organic Herbal Salve: Natural remedy for eczema, psoriasis and dry skin! - Healthcare Goods - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Organic Herbal Salve: Natural remedy for eczema, psoriasis and dry skin!

Organic Herbal Salve: Natural remedy for eczema, psoriasis and dry skin!
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The listing, Organic Herbal Salve: Natural remedy for eczema, psoriasis and dry skin! has ended.

This is a wonderful skin salve that has been made by my mother and I for 20 years. My boyfriend had disfiguring eczema on his face and it cleared it up in a week! (using it morning and night religiously) He has to keep using it to keep it from coming back so he's lucky he has me for a girlfriend :)

The ingredients are: Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Olive Oil, triple-extracted Organic Comfrey root and leaf, Echinacea, Chamomile, Chickweed, Sage and Rosemary, (all Organic) and Beeswax. There is also a small amount of Vitamin E. Sage and Rosemary act as natural preservatives and the Miron glass jar that is comes in is made of violet glass and actually enhances the properties of what's inside and makes it last longer! (so keep it in the sun!)

Handmade in small batches each 30ml jar normally retails for $30. There are so many effective uses for it, from first aid salve to healing scars and there are mountains of positive testimonials for it.

*Caution: Do not use on puncture wounds or venomous insect bites. The comfrey is so strong that it will seal the skin and an abscess may result*
Questions & Comments
This is such a wonderful auction. My son has eczema bad so I want to try this on his skin! Does the stone mortar come with it as well?? Thanks!
Mar 14th, 2011 at 4:37:25 PM PDT by
Lol that's just a display picture for the website so no the mortar and pestle aren't included :) This is a great eczema remedy because it's 100% natural, no preservatives, fragrances or additives. In it's 20 year history no one has reported an allergic reaction. I think your son should try it, but you have to be diligent about twice a day! (and not stop when it gets better) A little goes a long way though so even using it all the time it takes quite a while to finish a jar.
Mar 14th, 2011 at 6:29:51 PM PDT by
Sounds great, definitely watching!
Mar 14th, 2011 at 8:37:32 PM PDT by
Thanks! It's made with love! The label is from when I lived in BC a few months ago.
Mar 14th, 2011 at 10:11:42 PM PDT by
WOW great auction!
Mar 14th, 2011 at 11:26:21 PM PDT by
Thank you :)
Mar 15th, 2011 at 3:19:22 PM PDT by
i have a similar question to the first.. my son has dry patches on his scalp and back.. hes 15 months old.. do you think it would be okay ?
Mar 18th, 2011 at 3:09:03 PM PDT by
Yes, all the ingredients are food quality (though it shouldn't be eaten, but if it was it wouldn't be dangerous) and it's been used on a lot of babies with great success. It's really good for cradle cap and diaper rash as well.
Mar 18th, 2011 at 3:29:28 PM PDT by
my wife has suffered from psoriasis for years, mabe this will help her
Mar 18th, 2011 at 8:03:21 PM PDT by
It likely will! It's been called miracle salve by a number of people. It has so many different uses that it's like first aid in a's good on scars, stretch marks, hang nails, callouses, scratches, eczema, psoriasis, many baby skin conditions, so on. My mom has been using it on her face for 15 years and she has great skin, looks much younger than she is! You wouldn't want to use it on puncture wounds or venomous stings/bites or animal bites. It's ok for mosquito bites though, very good against itching.
Mar 18th, 2011 at 10:41:29 PM PDT by
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I'm really excitied about getting this! I have spots on my legs, arms, & shoulders that this may help. Watching and Fanning!
Mar 19th, 2011 at 6:59:41 PM PDT by
Great! Good luck winning. I'll list another one if Listia rules allow. The salve is amazing - whomever wins will have happier skin!
Mar 20th, 2011 at 1:24:55 AM PDT by
Hi Is it good for dry skin and wrinkles caused by sun smoking and aging? And is it a face cream that will not clog pores? Thanks:) great auction!
Mar 20th, 2011 at 4:14:19 AM PDT by
It is good for the things you listed but it isn't a face cream per se; it's a salve that has beeswax in it so though you can use it on your face (I mentioned my mom has for 15 years and swears by it, and others have too) if you are at all susceptible to break outs it wouldn't be right for your skin. I'm developing a face cream based on the same principles and ingredients as the salve....when it's ready I'll list a jar here so perhaps you should fan me if you don't think the salve will work for you.
Mar 20th, 2011 at 3:17:27 PM PDT by
thank you for the info. I will be watching!! wonderful auction:)
Mar 20th, 2011 at 5:24:21 PM PDT by

Organic Herbal Salve: Natural remedy for eczema, psoriasis and dry skin! is in the Health & Beauty | Healthcare Goods category