The listing, MTG FOIL, RARE, UNCOMMON free shipping!! has ended.
23 cards in all. All mint condition and placed inside hard plastic sleeve. From Ravnica: Mana Bloom (R) Risen Sanctuary (U) Street Spasm (U) Fall of the Gavel (U) Azorius Keyrune (FOIL U) Vitu-Ghazi Guidmage (U) Hover Barrier (U) Selesnya Keyrune (U). From Monsters vs Heroes: Stun Sniper (U) x 2 Undying Rage (U) Ordeal of Purphoros (U) New Benalia (U) x 2 Truefire Paladin (U) Skarrg, the Rage Pits (U) Crowned Ceratok (U) From Dragon's Maze: Jelenn Sphinx (U) Fluxcharger (U) From Gatecrash: Ghor-Clan Rampager (U) Warmind Infantry (FOIL C) Gruul Ragebeast (R) Wasteland Viper (U) Free shipping!! Listia verified addresses only.