Free: MTG - 10+ cards - Mystery Booster Pack - Winner chooses color - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MTG - 10+ cards - Mystery Booster Pack - Winner chooses color

MTG - 10+ cards - Mystery Booster Pack - Winner chooses color
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The listing, MTG - 10+ cards - Mystery Booster Pack - Winner chooses color has ended.

Ten cards from my Big Box of Cards! Winner chooses the color (or more than one color, if desired). I do not include basic land unless specifically requested. Others who have bid on my mystery packs have never been disappointed. It's free shipping, free cards, and a fun surprise when the envelope arrives.

If this goes over 1000, winner will get another 5 cards for every 1000 credits.

1000 credits - 10 cards
2000 credits - 15 cards
3000 credits - 20 cards
etc (y'all can count)
Shipping is free, so it shouldn't be too painful to reply to me with a Listia verified address within 24-48 hours from auction end. That will make it much easier for me to get your item to you in a timely manner. I ship within Listia's allotted 7 days, but I do my best to have your item in the mail within 1-3 days (with regards to postal holidays) in a plastic sleeve for protection. If I'm shipping to Canada, it might take me a little longer to get to the post office for postage calculation.
If you choose not to be considerate and respectful on here, you'll be welcomed to my block party. But I think we can be better people than that. I'd much rather have you here enjoying the auction.

Good luck everybody!
Questions & Comments

MTG - 10+ cards - Mystery Booster Pack - Winner chooses color is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category